Lot 1 – 49.21 acres of land at Trehumfrey Farm, Langstone Lane North, Llangarron, Ross On Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 6NX
Guide Price £650,000
The land is situated in an attractive very rural location approximately eight miles west of Ross on Wye and fourteen miles south of Hereford. The land is situated about a mile to the west of the A4137 road, which connects into the A40 at Whitchurch to the south and thence to the M50 and wider motorway network at Ross. The M50 motorway is about 7 miles distant via the intervening lanes or 11 miles by main road.
Lot 1 - Approximately 49.21 acres of arable and pastureland together with a small wood comprising mixed deciduous wood with a small homemade log cabin measuring 18ft by 10ft with a wood burner and veranda.
Four fields and the 10 acre Upper Heath Wood lie to the north of the public roads from Langstone Court to Tretire, and the lane to Biddlestone, thus offering good field access.
Wayleaves, Easements and Rights of Way
A public footpath runs from the public road southwards to cross the Garren river west of the buildings. A gas main crosses the farm north of the buildings from east to west.
The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, quasi easements, wayleaves, and rights of way both declared and undeclared.
Sporting, Timber and Mineral Rights
All mineral, timber and sporting rights are included in the freehold sale, in so far as they are owned.
Strictly by appointment only.
Method of Sale
This land is offered for sale by Private Treaty.
From Hereford, take the A49 road south for about 10 miles until the A4137 junction signed for Symmonds Yat and Monmouth. Take the A4137 for about 2 miles past St Owen's Cross, take the right turn for Biddlestone, Langstone and Llangarron. After about 300m take the right hand fork, follow this lane to the end until reaching the T junction, where the farm drive will be directly in front of you.
What 3 Words
These particulars are intended as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility. Intending purchasers or tenants should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of all statements and representations before entering into any agreement. No employee or partner of Bruton Knowles has authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to the property
Trehumfrey Farm Langstone Lane North, Llangarron, Ross On Wye, HR9 6NX
Size 49.21 acres
Types Land and Farms
Tenure Freehold - Guide Price
Code 11704